
Cold-Calling, Hot Results.

Cold-calling can warm up your marketing leads. Even with social media making great strides in online marketing, the cold call is still head of the pack in lead generation.

See tip #7 to heat up your cold-calling.

1.   Most of us live in fear of the horrid phone click. It takes a little self-talk, well, maybe a lot, to believe calling is not only a dreaded essential, but fun! Talking with new people, learning about new companies, developing new contacts, and fostering new business.

2.  Set a target number of cold calls you promise to make each day. Make it realistic, say, 5, 10 or 20, and stick to it.

3.  Then write down a simple one- or two-line script to start a phone conversation. Rehearse with a colleague or friend (in a phone call) so the script does not sound, well, rehearsed. Make it short and sweet. "Hello, Mary, my name is Anne Schwab with Creative Management Services. We can help you reach your marketing goals with award-winning video production and other communications services. Are you the person at Van Dyke Industreis who would benefit most from our services?"

4.  If the prospect wants to chat, have your elevator pitch ready. An elevator pitch or speech is an introduction to your company short enough to be finished in a brief elevator ride. The pitch must be a well-written and rehearsed 30- 60-second description of your business. A successful elevator speech is an indispensable part of your marketing arsenal. 

5.  In today's fast-paced world, the average person sports an attention span of only 30 seconds, so you need to grab 'em fast.

6.  A kick-ass elevator pitch can be as simple as telling a success story. "We are completing a video for Lockheed Martin. They were unhappy with a newly produced video and brought us on-board for a complete redo. Their comments to us include, 'We love your video, it's just want we want!' We can do the same for you, new client."

7.  Do a pitch dress rehearsal with your friends in a phone call. Get their feedback, make adjustments and write up your new pitch.

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